Photos Found - Looking for descendantsThe following is a list of photos that were taken in or of residents of Walworth County, WI. The person holding them would like to see the pictures reunited with their families. If any of these are yours, please contact Marge. She asks only to be reimbursed for her costs to get these to you. BLASER – "Rosetta Blaser", born Switzerland abt 1864, dau of John & Anna. Photo taken by Goodman Studio, Whitewater about 1885. BRUNSON – "Allie Brunson - 1890". Photo taken Whitewater, and she looks about age 20. CAMPBELL – "Andrew Campbell", taken about 1890 by Goodman Studio, Whitewater. There were two Andrew Campbells listed in Walworth Co. in 1900-1910. COLE – "Addie Cole - 1890", and "Addie & Florence Cole, Waterloo, WI, class of '94". Photos taken by H. P. Goodman, Whitewater. DAHLEN - "Emma F. Dahlen". Born 1870s-1880s. Photo taken in Whitewater, WI by McKenna Studio. DICKINSON – "Louie Dickinson - Feb 1891" and "9-26-86 Pell Lake, WI". Pell Lake is in Walworth Co. Photo taken by F. A. Talmadge Studio in Edgerton (Rock Co.) WI. DUNBAR – "Charles S. Dunbar - Elkhorn". Photo taken Elkhorn, WI by Fitch Studio. GIRVIN – "Ramon Girvin", violinist who taught at Univ. of Chicago/Chicago Conservatory, born Jul 1883. Photo taken in Whitewater, WI. On back "He played here in the Chautauqua in 1920". HARRISON – "Fred A. Harrison - Elkhorn, WI - Class of '94". Approx. age 20, he was a H.S. principal in 1900 census of Ashland Co., WI. Born Nov 1874 Wisc. Photo taken by H. P. Goodman, Whitewater 1884. HOLT – "Lina G. Holt", born abt 1875, dau of Theron P> & Theresa Holt. She married Guy Loomis 1901 & lived Columbia Co., WI. Photo taken Whitewater by Burt A. Rice, successor to McKenna. JOHNSON - A mother and four children named Marion, Florence, Burton & Anna Johnson. Two photos, taken in Walworth Co., WI by Rumsey & Goodman. in 1887 & abt 1890. Marion born abt 1879, Florence abt 1884, Burton abt 1885, Anna abt 1889. KUNKEL – "Charlie Kunkel", born Jan 1863 Switzerland, lived Grant Co., WI, photo taken by Ross & Goettel, successors to Whipple, Whitewater, WI, in about 1885. LARSON – "Hannah T. - 1890", and "Hannah - 1894". In 1880 Whitewater census, age 11, dau. of Andrew & Anna Larson. Photos taken by "Goodman" & "McKenna". LEACH – "Carrie Leach - 1890". Photo taken by Goodman, Whitewater. She looks about age 20. This could be the same Carrie Leach who was married Ashland Co. May 1906 (?) MORGAN – "Lulu Morgan", born Nov 1869, dau of Ana Jenette Mason in 1900 Walworth Co. census. Photo taken by Rumsey in Whitewater abut 1890. NOTT – "Kate (Chaffee) Nott", about age 20 in approx. 1890. Photo taken by Goodman Studio, Whitewater. ROSWELL – "Dena Roswell", about 25 in 1890 photo, taken by Rumsey, Whitewater. SALISBURY – "Oliver M. Salisbury - 1890". Born abt 1870. In 1880 Whitewater census, son of "A." and "A. A.". Photo taken by Goodman Studio, Whitewater. SPRACKLING – "Ella Sprackling - 1890" and "Alice & Ella Sprackling". Photos taken by Goodman Studio, Whitewater. TAYLOR – "Anna (Smith) Taylor", born Jan 1870, wife of Homer S. Taylor. Lived Lyons (Walworth Co.) and photo taken by Rumsey in Whitewater WALBRANT - "Frank E. Walbrant", born abt 1867, son of William & Mary. Age 13 in 1880 census Troy (Walworth Co.). Photo taken in Whitewater about 1895 by Burt A. Rice, successor to McKenna. WEST – "Alanson (Pike) West - 1894". Photo of man abt ae 25, and this fits the Alanson P. West who was in Milwaukee in 1910 and asst. custodian of Federal Building. Photo taken 1894 by McKenna in Whitewater. WILDER – "Dred" (Mildred?) Wilder Webb. Photo taken by "Mr. & Mrs. Ersley, Artists", Whitewater, abt 1880; this is a carte de visite photo. WINNIE - "Alma Winnie - 1893", born abt 1870 to Menza (fa) and Percis Winnie (mo), lived Sauk Co., WI. Photo taken by Burt A. Rice, successor to McKenna, Whitewater, WI WOOD – "Alice Wood", taken about 1890-1895, and she looks to be about age 20-25. Photo taken in Whitewater by Burt A. Rice, successor to McKenna. Copyright 2013 Walworth County Genealogical Society