Walworth County Genealogical Society
Walworth County Genealogical Society

P.O. Box 159
Delavan, WI 53115

Contact WCGS: Walworth Genealogy 

An Affiliate member of the
Wisconsin State Genealogical Society

The Walworth County Genealogical Society was formed in 1988 for the purpose of education and research. WCGS meets the first Tuesday of the months of Feb., Mar., Apr., May, Jun., Jul., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., and Dec.

    Community Center
    Matheson Memorial Library
    101 N. Wisconsin Street
    Elkhorn, WI.

at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise listed on this site or through the media.
WCGS invites you to come to our meetings and take a look at how we are growing. We also invite you to enjoy the wealth of information available by purchasing any of the publications we are now offering for sale. Join our volunteers to help others with research on a limited basis.
Our ongoing project, since the spring of 1993, is the enumeration of cemeteries in Walworth County. We hope to publish them by townships and/or by village or city, as size determines.
If you have copies of Walworth County material you would like to donate for publication by WCGS, please contact an officer.
OUR SOCIETY'S WISH LIST: More volunteers; out of town members for computer entry; help to work on cemetery project.


Our membership year is 01 January to 31 December.
It includes a quarterly newsletter on line, 20% off publications purchased for yourself, and a voting status at membership meetings. We have open board meetings and encourage you to attend and have a voice in the society operations, and an opportunity to contribute to the many projects now going on.
Individual Membership fee: $15.00 Annual, $100.00 Lifetime. *
Family Membership (two or more people at the same address): $18.00 Annual, $200.00 Lifetime. *
Student Membership: $7.50. *
Contributing Membership: $25.00. *
* Newsletter by U.S. Mail $5.00
For queries regarding membership contact: Martha Hay

To Join Us:

Complete Membership Form, Pay via PayPal or print and mail in



Judy Rockwell

Vice President: Michael Hay
Secretary: Linda West
Treasurer: Martha Hay
Directors: Diana Bird
Bev Baker
Karen Helwig
Karen Weston
Membership Chair: Martha Hay
Library Committee: Diana Bird
Judy Rockwell
Webmaster: Jon Greene
Newsletter Editor: Martha Hay
Sunshine and Clouds: WCGS Board  
Founder: Bette Cameron

Copyright 2013 Walworth County Genealogical Society


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