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From the book History of Walworth County Wisconsin, by Albert Clayton Beckwith, publ. 1912. Apage 481 ALFRED H. ABELL, son of Henry ABELL, was born at Duanesburg, New York, May 17, 1824. He came to Bloomfield in 1848; served four terms as chairman of town board of supervisors. He was chosen assemblyman for 1877 over Addin KAYE. He died May 24, 1882. Marietta CARPENTER, his wife, was born December 17, 1833, died November 20, 1822. page 481-482 HENRY ADKINS, son of Henry ADKINS and Elizabeth HUCKSTEP, was born at Ramsgate, Kent, England, December 23, 1812; apprenticed to an apothecary; came to neighborhood of Utica, New York, in 1833; married Elizabeth Ann, daughter of William ADAMS, at New York Mills, July 22, 1836; came to Sugar Creek in 1841; next year bought government land in sections 11, 14, Lagrange; came to Elkhorn as register of deeds, 1855 to 1859; began compilation of abstract of titles to real estate; from the organization of the First National Bank of Elkhorn, in 1865, to his death, May 17, 1887, was its competent and trustworthy accountant and teller. His wife was born in Otsego county, September 10, 1813, and died at Elkhorn January 25, 1889. His sons, William E. and Henry Breckenridge, and son-in-law, Reuben EASTWOOD, were soldiers of Company K, Thirtieth Wisconsin Infantry. page 482 ALMA MONTGOMERY ALDRICH, son of William ALDRICH and Hannah K. MONTGOMERY, was born at Kirtland, Ohio, May 6, 1837. His father was born at Lisbon, Grafton county, his mother at Whitefield, Coos county, both places in New Hampshire. In 1847 the family came to section 35, Spring Prairie. The father served on town and county boards and as justice of the peace. The son was for eight terms a member of the county board, and in 1878 was assemblyman, elected over Andrew KULL, Jr. In 1865 he married Elizabeth, daughter of Lyman HEWITT, of Racine county. In 1899 he removed to Burlington, where he died November 1, 1902, leaving two children. page 482 DWIGHT SIDNEY ALLEN, son of George ALLEN and Harriet A. BUELL, was born at Lebanon, Madison county, New York, February 12, 1843; lived in Linn until a few years before his death, when he moved to Lake Geneva where he died May 5, 1908. In 1862 he enlisted for three years service in Company C, Twenty-second Infantry, serving as corporal; September 4, 1867, he married Delia A. SHERMAN, at Eagle. He served his town as treasurer, justice, and from 1877 to 1890 as member of the county board, of which body he was eight times chairman. He was a member of the Assembly at its session of 1889, elected over Edward Decatur page and Huron Irving HAWKS. From 1888 to 1908, he was a member of the Assembly at its session of 1889, elected over Edward Decatur PAGE and Huron Irving HAWKS. From 1888 to 1908, he was a member of the Soldier's Relief Committee. Mrs. ALLEN was born in 1846, and has seven children. page 482-483 GEORGE ALLEN, grandson of Elisha Allen of Worcester county, Massachusetts (Princeton or Sturbridge), and son of Walter ALLEN and Harriet HOLBROOK, was born at Lebanon, Madison county, New York, July 23, 1820, married Harriet A. BUELL, January 12, 1842; came to Linn in 1852, settling on section 24 and adding later more than half of section 23 - more than a square mile in all. He and his wife had been teachers; and a fairly educated landholder usually finds some fair place in the esteem of his townsmen. Mr. ALLEN was a member of the county board seven times between 1854 and 1867, and chairman in 1866; member of Assembly in 1855; assessor more than twenty years; and justice of the peace from 1866 to his death, February 26, 1899. Mrs. ALLEN, daughter of Ira BUELL and Chloe HOLCOMB, was born at Plymouth, Chenango county, January 3, 1821, and died December 16, 1895. page 483-484 GEORGE RUE ALLEN, son of Samuel ALLEN and Maria HIGH, was born at Hartford, Washington county, New York, August 9, 1838; came to Bloomfield in 1841; married Mary, daughter of James GRIER; was thirteen terms a member of the county board and six times its chairman; served in the Assembly in 1880, having defeated Cyril R. ALDRICH, a rock-rooted Democrat of Spring Prairie. He died at Lake Geneva, January 1, 1901. LUCIUS ALLEN, son of Daniel and wife Olive ENGLISH, was born at Hamburg, New York, February 13, 1816; came in 1838 from Geauga county, Ohio, to section 31, East Troy (his parents to section 6, Spring Prairie); moved to latter town and served as town officer and as assemblyman in 1864; elected over William R. BERRY; came about 1870 to Elkhorn as building contractor and furniture dealer; member of county board in 1877; died January 12, 1895. His first wife, Mary A., a sister of Adolphus SPOOR, married May 27, 1837, died November 15, 1838, left a son Augustus Carlton, who was a soldier of the Eighth Illinois Infantry. July 10, 1842, he married Sarah Ann daughter of Hosea BARNES, who died July 10, 1842, leaving two children. Her son, Fayette Lucius, died in service at Little Rock in 1865. Mr. ALLEN married Juliet BARNES, his sister-in-law, in August, 1848. She died March 11, 1878, leaving five children. September 4, 1890, he married Mrs. Hephsibah (TOMLINSON), widow of Charles BABCOCK. Three of these marriages were at Auburn, Ohio, and the last at Elkhorn. Mr. ALLEN was a clear-headed man, and stood firmly by his political and moral convictions, which in his later life led him to Prohibitionism. SAMUEL ALLEN, born at Gloucester, England, June 30, 1789, came with his parents about 1800 to New York. From his majority till 1839 he was an innkeeper at various places in the state. In 1839 he made his claim to land in sections 20, 30, Bloomfield, and brought his family in 1841. In 1844 and at a few later elections he was chosen a justice of the peace, and a member of the county board in 1845. He built one of the first framed houses in the town. His wife, married in 1822, was Maria, daughter of Charles and Christine HIGH, of Kingsbury, New York. He died at home, November 20, 1866. Mrs. ALLEN died in June, 1880. Their children were Charles, George R., William H., Samuel and Susannah. WILLIAM CHENEY ALLEN, born at Hoosic, New York, February 2, 1814; married, October 7, 1840, Mary A. McCONKEY at Voorheesville - a town or hamlet now not easily to be found in New York geography. He came in the same year, as a lawyer, to Delavan, and in June, 1843, became probate judge, holding that post till January, 1847. In 1850 he became county judge, and resigned in 1856, in which year he became president of the Walworth county bank. He was a member of Assembly in 1866 and 1867, having been chosen successively over Joseph F. LYON and Julius A. TREAT. He removed to Racine, where he died January 12, 1887. He was a brother-in-law of Hon. Alanson H. BARNES. page 484 WILLIAM P. ALLEN, son of John and Mary ALLEN, was born in Jefferson county, New York, in 1821. In 1842 he was a teacher at Portageville, Wyoming county, New York. He came to Sharon in 1845, and for fourteen years served that town as clerk and as assessor, and for twenty years, nearly continuously, as justice of the peace. In 1873 he became postmaster at the village, at which place he was a dealer in general goods. He was chosen over Samuel W. VOORHEES as assemblyman for 1854. He died July 25, 1901. His wife was Sophronia L. LYMAN. page 484-485 ELISHA LEROY ANDRUS was the son of Elisha ANDRUS and Sarah WALLACE. His earlier American ancestors were John (1,2), Stephen (3), Elisha (4,5,6). His mother was daughter of William WALLACE and Eleanor DRAKE. He was born at Manchester, Connecticut, May 31, 1813; married, August 27, 1843, Clarissa (1823-1899), daughter of Sprowell DEAN and Clarissa SCOTT; came in 1845 to Troy, where he died March 6, 1854. Their sons were Francis Leroy, Arthur Denison, Aaron Sprowell. JAMES ARAM, son of Matthias ARAM and Elizabeth TOMPKINS, was born at or near Utica, New York, August 9, 1813; came west in 1838 and to Delavan village in 1840, where he went into retail business. A few years later he became one of a firm of warehousemen and lumber dealers, composed of George PASSAGE, himself, Leonard E. DOWNIE, and Col. Jacob T. FOSTER. He was successively a stockholder in the Walworth county Bank, a director of E.LATIMER & Company. He was a member of the county board for thirteen terms, 1862 to 1875; and a trustee of the State School for the Deaf 1872-5. He served a few years as president of the village. January 6, 1836, he married Susan C., daughter of James ROOD and Elizabeth MILLER. She was born at Scipio, New York, August 16, 1814, died at Delavan December 14, 1906. Their three children had died, and at Mrs. ARAM's death the bulk of their estate was applied, as they had wished, to the building and equipment of a free library at Delavan. page 484-485 HARRISON ARMSTRONG was son of John ARMSTRONG and Elizabeth LYTLE, who came early to Geneva with him and their other children. He was born in St. Lawrence county, in 1814; married Mary SCRIPTER; came in the later forties or early fifties to Spring Prairie as a blacksmith, and presently as a plow-maker, and for some years had a good local business. Later he lived at or near Elkhorn, and went about 1856 to Trempealeau county. At some time he made the overland way to California and came back with material for occasional home lectures. He was a ready rhymer, in various measures; but his preference was for the versification as well as the philosophy and satire of Pope. His wife, Mary SCRIPTER, who died several years before him, was a spiritualistic medium, and, as he said, a very superior woman. "Uncle Hat, the Plowmaker," was eccentric only in religio-philosophical beliefs or notions, loving or tolerating everything and everybody except creeds and clergymen; but was a better Christian than he knew, being one of the best and kindest of men. His brother James never married. His sister Maria was wife of Velorous SCRIPTER (Mary's brother), and Sophia was wife of Richard B. FLACK. page 485 SAMUEL ARMSTRONG, a brother of John, married Mary GREGG. At least ten of their eleven children came from St. Lawrence county to Geneva and Elkhorn. The order of their birth is not known with exactness. James, a carpenter, married, first, his cousin Elizabeth ARMSTRONG; second, Jane CRUICKSHANK (whose brother Alexander was a building contractor of Elkhorn and of Chicago). Jane was wife of Thomas B. GRAY, Agnes, wife of David WELLS (not known here). Elizabeth (twin with Agnes), wife of Elihu GRAY. Maria, wife of Martin RUSSELL. Hannah, second wife of John DUNLAP. Julia Ann, wife of Daniel Carr GRAY. Samuel, married Hannah VAN ALLEN. John A. married Elizabeth (daughter of Isaac GRAY). Martha, wife of James Adams FLACK. Lydia, wife of Henry J. SMITH. [See Flack, Gray, and Lytle families.] John ARMSTRONG, a soldier of the Revolution, father of John and Samuel had a daughter, wife of Nathaniel CARSWELL, whose son, Nathaniel H. CARSWELL lived in Racine county, and thence came to Elkhorn in 1853. page 486 SALMON G. ARNOLD (July 15, 1820-March 10, 1896), of Sharon, was son of Luther ARNOLD and Mary PROUTY. He married in 1848 Ann Eliza, daughter of Chester HOTCHKISS and Elizabeth GILLETTE. She was born May 11, 1826; died March 3, 1901. VARNUM ARNOLD was son of Joseph and Susannah ARNOLD, who were natives of Rhode Island. It is not unlikely that both parents were of old and often honored families of the colony, for it is about evenly probable that the wife was born VARNUM. Their son was born January 18, 1819, in Cayuga county, New York. After a short career as a teacher he married, at Auburn, January 22, 1845, Julia A., daughter of Dennison and Lucy BUTTS, and in the next year moved to section 32 of Richmond, where he bought a large farm. He served his town as one of its supervisors and also as assessor. He died September 20, 1901. page 485 ALANSON BROWN ARNOLD was born in Cayuga county, New York, December, 1812; married at Medina, New York, January 1, 1835. Dorothy Althina, daughter of Joseph DAVIS; came in 1865 to a farm in Linn; died August 3, 1885. Mrs. ARNOLD was born in 1815; died December 28, 1896. Their children were Joseph Davis, Henry Alanson, Francis Lamartine, Robert Bruce, Clifton Sumner. page 485-486 FAYETTE P. ARNOLD, one of four sons of Luther and wife, Mary PROUTY, was born near Hubbardton, Vermont, in 1826; attended an academy at Poultneyville; studied law; came to Sharon in 1850; was admitted to practice in 1851; was member of the county board nine terms; chosen assemblyman, without opposition, for the session of 1862; died January 9, 1872. his wife, Jane WILLIS, was born in 1830.A son, Cassius F., was town treasurer in 1877-8. Bpage 487-488 ENOCH BAILEY (Charles5, Stephen4, James3, John2, James1, of Rowley) was son of Charles BAILEY and Abigail, daughter of Daniel SAFFORD and Hannah HOVEY. He was born October 1, 1771; died April 8, 1866. His second wife, Susannah BANGS, was born March 4, 1784; died September 20, 1858. Both were buried at East Delavan. His known children of first marriage were: 1 Charles Stewart (1811-1877); his wife named Laura C. (1820-1874). 2. Enoch Henry Martin (born 1820; married Amanda BARTLETT. 3 Levi Parson (1823-1874); married first, Phoebe S. LIPPITT (1828-1853); second, Della Louisa SHUMWAY. 4. Samuel Wills, born 1825, of whom little more is now remembered than that he went westward. The three older sons were men of substance and in business and official ways useful to their town. page 488 CHARLES MINTON BAKER, son of James BAKER (1779-1851) and Elizabeth PRICE (1780-1870), grandson of David BAKER, of Morristown, New Jersey, was born at New York (city), October 18, 1804; the next year his parents went to Addison county, Vermont; he entered Middlebury College in 1822; studied law at Troy in Samuel G. HUNTINGTON's office; was named in a roll of attorneys at Troy in 1831, and also as commissioner of deeds; married, first, Martha W. LARRABEE, of Shoreham, Vermont, September 6, 1830; settled on section 1, Linn, in 1838; district attorney 1839-40; married, second, Eliza HOLT, July 1, 1841; served four years in Territorial Council, 1842-6; chairman of committee on organization of judiciary in first constitutional convention; in 1849 was head of the commission to revise statutes; early in March 1856, appointed to vacancy in circuit judgeship, but refused nomination at the April election, and hence served but six or seven weeks, holding a term in Racine county for April. In the latter part of the Civil war he was draft commissioner for his congressional district. In April, 1871, he was chosen justice at Lake Geneva for one year. He died there, February 5, 1872. Mr. SIMMONS wrote of him: "As a man he was foremost in the promotion of every cause which tended to the real advantage and permanent benefit of his fellow citizens. As a lawyer his talents were of a high order but he was not ambitious to make them known. He was from his early youth a Christian, and was always recognized here as a strong and earnest one, a pillar in the church, the right hand of his pastor and a chosen leader among his brethren." This testimony is useful since it may explain why Judge BAKER did not ask his fellow citizens for high places among them, and why they did not offer many such tokens of their favor. page 489 JOHN WHITNEY BARLOW, youngest son of Nehemiah and Orinda, born in western New York, June 26, 1838; appointed from Wisconsin about 1857 as a cadet at the United States Military Academy, West Point; second lieutenant, second artillery, May 6, 1861; nine days later first lieutenant; brevet captain May 27, 1862, for distinguished service at Hanover Court House; transferred to topographical engineers July 24, 1862; to engineers March 3, 1863; captain July 3, 1863; brevet major for service in Atlanta campaign; brevet lieutenant-colonel for conduct in battles before Nashville; major of engineers in 1869,and successively lieutenant-colonel and colonel; superintended services, and in 1901 was retired as brigadier-general. Now living at New London, Connecticut. page 488 HENRY BARLOW, son of Nehemiah BARLOW and Orinda STEELE, was born November 23, 1815, at Ballston, New York; came from Perry, New York, in 1838 to sections 5, 6, Delavan; married July 3, 1841, Emeline, daughter of Daniel Edwin LaBAR and Hannah REES - perhaps the first marriage at Delavan; served a few years as supervisor; was an opposition candidate in 1872 for assemblyman, defeated by Carlos L. DOUGLASS; died August 6, 1884. Mrs. BARLOW was born in 1821, near Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania; died September 22, 1890. page 489 NEHIMIAH BARLOW, son of John BARLOW and Sarah WHITNEY, was born December 23, 1781, at Ridgefield, Connecticut; married at Windham, New York, in August, 1810, Orinda, daughter of Perez STEELE and Hannah SIMMONS; came about 1839 from Perry, New York, to Delavan; died in Darien, in October, 1846. Mrs. BARLOW was born at Tolland, Connecticut, April 4, 1792; died January 25, 1876. Their eleven children were: 1) Hannah Simmons (1811-1907), wife of William Harrison PETIT. 2) John Whitney (1813-1838). 3) Henry. 4) Stephen Steele. 5) Mary, wife of Stephen P. FULLER. 6) Sarah Anne, wife of Dr. Henderson HUNT. 7)Eliza Jane (1826-1906), wife of Stephen S. BABCOCK. 8) William Augustus (1829-1908), married Antis Almira MALLORY, daughter of Samuel MALLORY and Jane Frances HART. 9) Harriet, first wife of George BULKLEY. 10) Emily Wright (born 1834), wife of Henry PETTIT. 11) John Whitney (born 1838). Hanna S., William A. and Harriet lived at Elkhorn. Nearly all the others are found in the history of Delavan. Mrs. Orinda (STEELE) BARLOW's American ancestors were: George1, James2,3, Rev. Stephen4, Stephen5, Perez6. Mr. BARLOW's ancestors came early to New England. page 490 JOHN BARR was son of Allen BARR, who died at Paisley in 1828. John was born in Renfrewshire in 1792. He married Barbara BLACK (born in 1789 at St. Andrews). He was bred a shawl-weaver, and on his father's death he came to New York (city). In 1833 he went to Taunton, Massachusetts, and to Fall River in 1840. In 1848 he came to a farm in Linn. He died in 1860 and his wife died in 1873. They had eight children. One of these, George W. BARR, was for several years chairman of the county board. WILLIAM AYRES BARTLETT, son of Joshua BARTLETT and Mrs. Martha (MARTIN) PHOENIX, and half-brother of Henry and Samuel F. PHOENIX, was born later than 1800. He married Mary Ann, daughter of Ichabod BRAINARD and Mary CLEVELAND, and sister of Cyrus BRAINARD. She was born about 1804 and died May 29, 1857. Mr. BARTLETT was a member for Walworth of the territorial legislature of 1843-4. He seems to have moved from Delavan after 1857. page 489 SAMUEL W. BARLOW, whose grandparents are said to have come from England, was born in Niagara county, New York, January 28, 1802; married Almira, daughter of William WRIGHT, was a carpenter, farmer, and Wesleyan preacher; came to town of Delavan about 1860; died March 24, 1889. His wife was born in 1807; died January 18, 1882. They had seven children, of whom Silas Van Ness BARLOW, born January 9, 1835, married Antoinette, daughter of Stephen C. GOFF and wife Matilda. page 489-490 STEPHEN STEELE BARLOW, son of Nehemiah and Orinda, was born August 17, 1818; came to the village of Delavan and was admitted to practice in the territorial courts. He married October 4, 1843, Anna Maria, daughter of James PARSONS and Olive BEACH. He was a member of the county board in 1851; elected assemblyman in the same year over Perry G. HARRINGTON; moved to Dellona, Sauk county, about 1855; was chosen presidential elector at large in 1868; state senator 1868-9; elected attorney-general in 1869 and 1871; died at St. Paul, October 1900. Page 674-675 B. J. BAUMANN. A list of Walworth county's honored and successful families would be incomplete were there failure to make specific mention of the well-known farmer and representative citizen whose name introduces this biographical review, for his life has been one of industry, honor and public spirit, resulting in good to everyone with whom he has had dealings, whether in business or social life. He has won success because he has persevered in pursuit of a worthy purpose, gaining thereby a satisfactory reward, and setting an example not unworthy to be emulated by others, especially the young and the discouraged. B. J. BAUMANN, well known farmer in the vicinity of Burlington, Wisconsin, was born in Racine county, this state, on March 26, 1876. He is the son of Peter and Dina (GIEBEL) BAUMANN, both born in Germany where they spent their childhood, emigrating to America when young, he coming to Racine county, Wisconsin, in 1854, she having preceded him there in 1850, and there they were married. The father's death occurred on June 30, 1897. His widow survives, being now advanced in years. Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter BAUMANN, eight of whom are living. In politics the father was a Democrat, and in religious matters a devout Catholic. B. J. BAUMANN, of this review, was reared on the home farm, and there assisted with the general work when a boy, and he received his education in the common schools in Racine county, and early in life he directed his attention to farming for a livelihood, which he has followed to the present time, having been very successful as a general farmer and stock raiser. He is now the owner of one of the choice farms in Spring Prairie township, Walworth county, consisting of one hundred and fifty-nine acres, which he has placed under a high state of improvement and cultivation, and he makes a specialty of dairying, keeping well informed on this and all matters pertaining to his chosen life-work. He has a very pleasant home and maintains a good set of outbuildings on his place. Politically, Mr. BAUMANN is a Democrat and more or less active in local party affairs. He is at present school treasurer. In religious matters he belongs to St. Charles Catholic church, being a liberal supporter of the same. Mr. BAUMANN was married in 1903 to Emma REESMAN, who was born in Racine county, Wisconsin on August 23, 1876. She is the daughter of Frank and Elizabeth (FISHMAN) REESMAN, both born in Germany, from which country they emigrated to America in early life, locating in Racine county, this state, the father in 1851 and the mother in 1844, and there they were married, and to them three children were born, two of whom are living at this writing. Mr. REESMAN was twice married, his first wife being known in her maidenhood as Elizabeth RAU, by whom eleven children were born, three of whom are living. The death of Frank REESMAN occurred on April 4, 1907. His widow is living in Burlington, this state. To Mr. and Mrs. BAUMANN five sons have been born, all of whom survive namely: George Francis, Ralph William, Elmer Bernard, Waldo Joseph, and Mark Henry. page 490-491 NELSON BECKWITH (Reuben5,Asa4, Joseph3, Nathaniel2, Matthew1), born in town of Western, Oneida county, New York; married Elinor W. KEYES (a native of Nova Scotia); lived at East Troy some years each way from 1860; removed to Oceana county, Michigan, and died. His son Alanson married first, Caroline WATERS, of East Troy, January 30, 1860; second, Miss QUACKENBUSH; now lives in Oceana county. Seth BECKWITH, not nearly related to any namesakes in the county, came to East Troy with wife Elizabeth in 1839, and in 1842 sold his land, in section 12, to Abel SPERRY. He may have gone to Omro. page 491 WARREN BECKWITH, son of Silas BECKWITH and Polly GREEN, and grandson of Silas BECKWITH and Esther FALES, of Charlemont, Massachusetts, was born in Westmoreland, Oneida county, New York, August 13, 1827; came about 1849 to Geneva, section 3; was teacher, farmer, surveyor, civil engineer, and town and village magistrate. He married first, Hannah VINCENT; second, Mrs. Elizabeth M. PROUTY; and died at Lake Geneva, August 30, 1904. A brother, Luther (wife Betsey CLUTE), lived for some years in the county, and moved to Mauston. There is no reason to doubt the descent of these men from Matthew, of Hartford, New London, and Lyme, though names in four generations are wanting. page 490 RICHARD BAXTER BATES, son of Joseph and Esther, was born at West Troy, New York, August 17, 1843; came before 1860 with his parents to Darien; married September 29, 1864, Clara A., daughter of Leander DODGE and Harriet CARTER; lived at Delavan and later at Racine; was national bank examiner 1893-8; died at Milwaukee, May 18, 1910. ADELAIDE COWLES BEARDSLEY, elder of two daughters of Bennett BEARDSLEY and first wife, Mrs. Susannah (JOHNSON), widow of Jetur GARDINER, was born at Walton, Delaware county, New York, June 1, 1815; was baptized in childhood at the Episcopal church of Walton, and in due time truly confirmed "for her faith never wavered nor were good works once forgotten or neglected." The sister came to Elkhorn in 1843, where she called the children together for non-sectarian primary instruction in Christian doctrine and practice. She also taught in the earlier common school. Every bishop of her diocese, from KEMPER to WEBB, knew and esteemed her. "She was capable, clear-seeing, justly judging, resolute, and enduring; and she was always sunny, kind, sympathetic, helpful, modest, self-effacing, womanly - a somewhat remarkably endowed person." She died at Elkhorn, June 10, 1907. Her full sister, Mary Martha, was wife of Col. Edward ELDERKIN. page 491 NATHANIEL BELL, son of James BELL and Isabel HARKNESS, was born at Truxton, New York, February 22, 1800; married, before 1830, Sarah Leonard, daughter of John COOK and Dorcas CASE. She was born in 1810 and died January 31, 1847. Major BELL came to section 25, Lafayette; in 1839 was chairman of the first board of county commissioners, and was five times a member of the county board of supervisors. He was the territorial sheriff, 1845-8. It is not known whence he derived his military title, but he may have been a drum-major, if not a major of New York militia. He, with Riley HARRINGTON and Lot MAYO, with or without General WALLING, usually made martial music on patriotic or Democratic occasions. John BELL, his brother, was assemblyman in 1853. His sister, Mary Ann, was wife of Dr. Jesse C. MILLS. page 491-492 WILLIAM BERRY was born at Salem, Massachusetts, December 20, 1780; married April 3, 1798, Nancy MELLEN, of Pelham; moved to Madison county, New York, and thence to Cortland county, where he held for a term a nominal judgeship of the court of common pleas. (From 1823 to 1847 each county of New York having forty thousand inhabitants had such a court, composed of a first judge, who was presumably competent, and four associate judges, in common speech called "side judges." The first judge and at least two of the associates made a quorum; but the latter usually had no voice in the court's rulings and decision. Some amusing incidents are told of these court ornaments.) In 1843 Judge BERRY came to Honey Creek, and in 1846 was member of the first constitutional convention - the oldest member of that body. Because of his delayed attendance he missed assignment to a committee. He died late in 1848. Mellen BERRY, his son, died July 5, 1859. He had also a daughter, Sally Ann. page 492 SETH M. BILLINGS was born at Rutland, Vermont, in 1814; married Lena MARKEL February 16, 1855; came to Whitewater in 1839; chosen sheriff in 1860; enrolled the men of the county liable to military service, in 1863, died at Whitewater, January 18, 1880. A daughter, Mary E., was wife of Charles Morris BLACKMAN; a son, Henry M., married Emma Pamela, daughter of Colonel ELDERKIN. Sheriff BILLINGS, though not above medium height and build, was resolute in performance of official duty. He was an upright and intelligent citizen. page 492 WILLIAM BIRGE was eldest of thirteen children. If one of these was George Richmond BIRGE, son of Elijah BIRGE and Mary RICHMOND, who also was an early resident at Whitewater, their ancestors were Richard1 (of Dorchester in 1630) and wife Elizabeth Gaylord Daniel2, 3, Jonathan4, Hosea5. William was born at Hartford, Connecticut, November 18, 1813; came to Jackson, Michigan, from Ithaca, New York, in 1834; with brothers Henry and Leander to Milwaukee and thence to Cold Spring and Whitewater in 1837. Henry's stay was short, but William and Leander stayed to build a city. William married January 9, 1839, Mary Alvina NOBLES, whose father was in business at Milwaukee. Their son, Julius C., was born November 18, 1839, the first native of Whitewater. Mr. BIRGE's business activity at Whitewater was an important part of the history of that rising village. He died May 22, 1860. Mrs. BIRGE was born in 1808 and died March 9, 1892. MATTHEW P. BISHOP, son of Ira BISHOP and Sarah PATRICK, born at West Windsor, Vermont, August 15, 1822; came by way of western New York to Eagle in 1845; married, first, Roxana ALVORD November 14, 1848; bought a farm in Lagrange in 1865; his wife died in the same year; married second, his sister-in-law, Mary E. ALVORD, in 1873; he died at home, January 1, 1883. He was six times a member of the county board - twice its chairman, and in other ways useful in his town. A son, Charles A. BISHOP, became a supreme court judge in Iowa. CHARLES MORRIS BLACKMAN, son of Alva BLACKMAN and Almira BRIGGS, was born at Bridgewater, Oneida county, New York, October 10, 1833; came to Stoughton in 1847 and in 1856 engaged in business. In 1863 he came to Whitewater as cashier of the First National Bank, of which he was from 1873 until his death, April 19, 1912, president. He was also a trustee of the White Memorial Library bequest. He married August 13, 1860, Mary E., daughter of Seth M. BILLINGS and Lena MARKLE. page 493 DR. ORRIN WILLARD BLANCHARD, a son of Deacon Willard BLANCHARD and Sarah PLATT, was born at Clarendon, Rutland county, Vermont, October 22, 1808, and was academically educated at Auburn, New York. He studied medicine, attended lectures at Castleton, Vermont, and about 1828 was admitted to practice. (But this date may be suspected of error.) He came to Racine in 1842 and to Delavan in 1847. From 1851 to 1854 he was assistant-surgeon of the regular army at a post in New Mexico, and then returned to Delavan. He served as surgeon of the Fortieth Infantry in 1864, and as surgeon of the Forty-ninth in 1865 - both regiments of Wisconsin. He reached and held a high place in his profession. His death was March 25, 1879. His wife, Nancy FOSTER, was born January 1811; was married at Arcadia, New York, March 27, 1831; died at Delavan, January 9, 1910, within a very few days of her ninety-ninth full year. Of their three sons, Charles Carroll studied and practiced in his father's profession. He had served a half year as private of Company D, Twenty-second Infantry, and under his father as hospital steward of Fortieth and Forty-ninth Infantry. Two other sons of Deacon Willard and Sarah were also physicians. Dr. Caleb Sly BLANCHARD was born at Victory, Cayuga county, New York, May 8, 1818. He practiced for many years at East Troy. He was a member of the Assembly of 1880, having been elected over John MATHESON (then a Democrat) and Daniel Kinney SANFORD, Greenbacker. Dr. Pliny Willard BLANCHARD passed over the state line to Rockford, or in that vicinity. There was some maternal cousinship of the Drs. BLANCHARD with Stephen S. BABCOCK and his brothers, as indicated by names. JOSEPH BOWKER son of Silas, was born at Locke, Cayuga county, New York, October 9, 1797; married Eliza MAYNARD, October 19, 1817; came to Geneva in 1844 and soon after to Delavan, where he went into retail business. He was a member of the first constitutional convention. He died at Delavan, March 26, 1856. He left a son, Silas W. BOWKER, who was for some years in retail trade as member of the firm of BOWKER & STALEY. page 494 WILLIAM WALLACE BRADLEY, son of Dr. Enos BRADLEY and Ada HOYT, of Groton, New York, was born May 20, 1826; came about 1846 from Darien, New York, to Kenosha and thence in 1848 to Delavan, where he was the first dealer in men's ready-made clothing. His business expanded and he became one of the best known dry-goods dealers of the county. He drew trade from afar, and he left his name to the knitting works now owned mostly by his heirs. He married July 23, 1850, Cynthia, daughter of Peter Millspaugh KEELER and Prudence STURTEVANT. She died December 31, 1853. He married April 21, 1855; Esther, daughter of Elisha LARNARD and Nancy T. WILSON. He left two daughters: Alice (Mrs. William H. TYRRELL) and Eva (Mrs. John J. PHOENIX). page 494-495 ABEL BRIGHAM, son of Joel6 BRIGHAM and Elizabeth BROWN, had earlier ancestors, Thomas1 and Mercy (HURD) of Watertown in 1635, John2, 3, Samuel4, Joel5. Abel was born at Sudbury, Massachusetts, January 11, 1814; died at Troy, February 14, 1884. His wife, Emeline, daughter of George and Susan HIBBARD, was born at North Hadley, August 23, 1824; died at Troy June 2, 1902. Their children were: Maria, Truman Elbridge (married Harriet Newell HIBBARD), Emma Salina (Mrs. James HOOPER), Emerson Abel (married Rose MEACHAM), Susan Emeline (Mrs. Emery T. ATKINS), Clara Levina (Mrs. Charles FINCH), Allen C., Frank M. Rev. George F. BRIGHAM, of Sharon, is also a descendant of Thomas and Mercy, in a differing line. page 495 MARTIN H. BRIGHAM, son of Jabez and Elizabeth, earlier ancestors unknown, was born at Perry, New York, August 29, 1821; came to east Delavan in 1842; married Elizabeth RICHARDSON, May 7, 1847; died October 25, 1894. page 494 WILLIAM WALLACE BRADLEY, son of Dr. Enos BRADLEY and Ada HOYT, of Groton, New York, was born May 20, 1826; came about 1846 from Darien, New York, to Kenosha and thence in 1848 to Delavan, where he was the first dealer in men's ready-made clothing. His business expanded and he became one of the best known dry-goods dealers of the county. He drew trade from afar, and he left his name to the knitting works now owned mostly by his heirs. He married July 23, 1850, Cynthia, daughter of Peter Millspaugh KEELER and Prudence STURTEVANT. She died December 31, 1853. He married April 21, 1855; Esther, daughter of Elisha LARNARD and Nancy T. WILSON. He left two daughters: Alice (Mrs. William H. TYRRELL) and Eva (Mrs. John J. PHOENIX). JOHN BRUCE was born in 1788; came from western New York in 1837 to section 22, Darien, and also bought land in section 27, where he built a house which was temporarily an inn and also a postoffice. He built a grand house at the station in 1858, and also added a few lots to the village plat as it was laid out in 1856. This addition lies between Beloit street and the railway, and the west end of the village. His first wife was Fear H. (1776-1832); second wife was named Cornelia (1822-1870). He died April 17, 1870, having outlived his wife by five weeks. His son James R. BRUCE built the first hotel in 1843 and died July 23, 1845, aged thirty-one years. His sister Lydia was wife of Cyrus LIPPITT, and his sister Susan was Mrs. William PHOENIX. FRANCIS A. BUCKBEE (Jesse4, Russell3, Elijah2, John1) was son of Jesse BUCKBEE and Mary, daughter of John SECOR. He was born in the town of Chili, Monroe county, New York, June 18, 1828; went in 1845 to Rockford. After some experience as farmer, retailer and produce-buyer he came in 1863 to a farm in Lyons. He married, February 18, 1863, Abbie Jane, daughter of Salmon HUBBARD and Abbie Jane SEARS, and adopted daughter of Dr. Alexander S. PALMER. He was member of Assembly in 1867, elected over Charles WALES, and in 1874, elected over Ethan B. FARNUM. He served several terms as justice of the peace at Lake Geneva. He died May 24, 1907. Mr. BUCKBEE was a fine looking man of very pleasing address and intelligent conversation, and a nearly perfect Masonic workman in lodge and chapter. page 495-496 JOSEPH SIDNEY BUELL was eldest child of Ira BUELL and Chloe HOLCOMB. His father's ancestors were William1, Samuel2, 3, Joseph4, Thomas5. Ira's other children were Harriet A. (Mrs. George ALLEN), Persis A. (Mrs. John W. BOYD), Wallace J., William Ira, Henry C., Charles Edwin. J. Sidney BUELL was born at Plymouth, New York, March 7, 1819; married Mary L., daughter of Rufus MAYNARD and Chloe WHEAT, September 7, 1847; she died April 24, 1855; he married June 13, 1856, Marie Antoinette, daughter of Abner HOLCOMB and Susan HUBBARD. His father and all or most of the family came in 1849 to Linn, where they bought an almost lordly domain on and near Bloom Prairie. He died at Lake Geneva in December, 1895. Of his children, Ira M. has gained some distinction as a geologist. J. Sidney BUELL was a capable farmer, an intelligent and excellent citizen, and was one of a notable group of men who were faithful working members of the County Agricultural Society. page 496 ALEXANDER FRANCIS BUNKER was a son of Francis and Eunice, and grandson of Shubael and Lydia. Francis was born at Nantucket, July 30, 1758, and Eunice was born January 19, 1759. They were married in Dutchess county, New York, April 22, 1779. Their children were Susannah, Elizabeth, Mary, Robert, Alexander F., Shubael, Gorham. The last three, with Simeon, son of Robert, came early to the Troys. Alexander F. BUNKER was born in Columbia county, October 28, 1793; married Sarah MEADE, December 22, 1814; died at his home in Troy, April 10, 1872. Sarah was born in 1791; died March 25, 1871. Their children were Samantha, Nathaniel M., Mary, Hannah (Mrs. George WORTH), Louise M. (Mrs. Charles B. ACKLEY), Ann E. (Mrs. John G. WATROUS), Sarah Y., and Helen M. (in succession Mrs. Collamore SEVERANCE). page 496 GORHAM BUNKER, son of Francis and Eunice, was born in Columbia county, New York, April 4, 1798, and died September 20, 1874. He was a farmer and a blacksmith. Rachel, his wife, was a daughter of Mrs. Cynthia RUSSELL. She was born June 13, 1800, and died November 28, 1869, at East Troy. Their children were, as far as here known, George, Henry, William, Clarissa. NATHANIEL MEADE BUNKER, son of Alexander Francis and Sarah MEADE, was born at Milan, Dutchess county, New York, August 31, 1817; married, first, Phoebe E. PRESCOTT in 1840; she died in 1853; in 1854 he married Phoebe Stratton COFFIN and came the next year to section 10 of Troy. In 1871 he was defeated by Judge WHITE at the election for member of Assembly, and in 1875 he defeated Henry Oreb MONTAGUE for the same post of honor. In that year he went into warehouse business at Troy Center with Capt. Lindsey J. SMITH as partner. He died March 25, 1889. His children were Nathaniel, Nettie, Sarah (Mrs. Charles B. BABCOCK), Carrie, Ward Smith, and George Worth. Mrs. BUNKER is yet living at Troy Centre. SHUBAEL BUNKER, son of Francis and Eunice, was born in Columbia county, January 14, 1896; married Edith RUSSELL, his sister-in-law; died September 17, 1858. Their children were Charles, John Russell, Hiram Shubael, Cynthia (Mrs. H. C. MINCER), Eliza M. (Mrs. William ALEXANDER). page 497 SOLOMON CHAMPLIN BURDICK (1812-1891) and wife Martha M. CRANDALL (born 1812), came in 1845 to section 10, Lyons; then to section 29, Linn. He died at Lake Geneva. He was son of Peleg C. and Olive BURDICK, who also came to the county. One of his sons, Charles Herbert (1820-1903), was a soldier, editor and poet, whose second wife was Almina Maria, daughter of Kiah BAILEY and Emily WARD. A grandson, Hugh Abram BURDICK, was district attorney. WILLIAM BURGIT, son of Jacob BURGIT and Mary GARDNER, was born at Richford, Tioga county, New York, December 6, 1818. He came with his parents in 1837 to sections 29, 30, East Troy. The claim included a good water power, near the village site. His father, a prosperous and respected citizen, was born in 1796; died March 21, 1870. His mother was born in 1790; died June 4, 1858. William BURGIT married Maria Jane, daughter of James BURLEIGH and Dorcas V. CARR, January 14, 1862. Their child, Edith F., is wife of Hubert Stephen BOVEE. Mr. BURGIT died September 23, 1892. Mrs. BURGIT was born September 17, 1833; died January 21, 1911. Mr. BURGIT served eleven terms as member of the county board. In 1860 he contested with Judge SPOONER the nomination for assemblyman and, losing, ran independently, only to lose again. In 1870 he was elected to the Assembly over James D. MERRILL and in 1874 over Perry G. HARRINGTON. ZENAS BAKER BURK, grandson of William and son of David BURK and Mary, daughter of Andrew SPRINGER and Desire BAKER, Cpage 497 DAVID WARD CAREY, son of Amos E. CAREY, a soldier of 1812-15, was born in Columbia county, New York, November 26, 1808. He married Jane E. RANN, and in 1844 came to Bloomfield. He was for some years in business at the Junction, and once had for his partner William YOULEN, a bright young man whose record-book, as town clerk in 1850, was kept admirably. Mr. CAREY's abilities were practical rather than showy and were useful to himself and his community. Of his six children, Julian Marcellus was a soldier in active service, and has since served his town in various ways. The father died December 1, 1880. Mrs. CAREY was born at New York, May 17, 1817, and died March 12, 1855. Page 668-671 JULIAN M. CAREY. Read back the pages of history until you are lost in the hieroglyphs and obscurity of the dim past; walk back through the dark corridors of time from the magnificent civilization of today until you find yourself musing on the world's first battlefield; scan the characters of every great commander, and throw your brightest light on the motives of every soldier, and the impartial historian will then tell you that in all this gloomy concave of war, in all this cavernous darkness of suffering and death, in all the sacrifice that humanity has offered upon the sanguinary field of Mars, no character so pure, so noble, so unselfish - so heroic has yet been given the world as the American citizen soldier, fighting, suffering, dying to lift up a fallen race, to preserve the integrity of a free nation, and to make immortal the flag painted by the finger of destiny and illuminated by the stars of heaven. When the dreams of the far-flung legions of the grand army of the early sixties have been terminated by "the angel with the backward look and folded wings of ashen gray," the future generations will find their dream was true, and turn and look down the mist-shrouded aisles of the past to their record of glory, and with a sacred tear and a proud thrill of memory, will be glad that their old age was filled with peace and plenty, and that the republic which they saved was generous with her defenders, and that they faltered not at death, for they carried the everlasting love of their fellow men with them, and reached the mystic goal where no furloughs are given, and one are wanted, and where the password is "Eternal Peace and rest." One of this great host, who is yet active in life's varied affairs, is Julian M. CAREY, an honored resident of Genoa Junction. He was born in Cayuga county, New York, June 2, 1844, and he is the son of David W. and Jane E. (RAND) CAREY. The father was born in Columbia county, New York, in 1808, and he was the son of Amos E. and Carissa (BARNES) CAREY, the former born in Cherry Valley, New York, in 1790. Amos E. CAREY was a soldier in the war of 1812, and he received a land warrant for his services, and located in Lee county, Illinois. He sold this land to a Mr. LOVERAGE, an early resident of this county, southeast of Lake Geneva. Amos and David W. CAREY came to Wisconsin in September 1846, and settled in Bloomfield township, section 5. The subject was then two years old. He recalls, as he grew older, seeing deer run across their farm, and he remembers their first Christmas dinner in this county. David W. CAREY had two brothers, but they did not locate here. Amos CAREY lived here until 1853. His wife died in 1852 and the following year he went back east and married again, remaining there until his death in 1858. Jane E. (RAND) CAREY was the daughter of John RAND and wife. It is believed her parents came from Holland and through them she was one of the heirs of the famous estate that claims the Trinity church property in New York City. After Amos CAREY sold out he returned east. David W. CAREY and family moved to Kenosha county in 1853 and farmed in Wheatland township. His wife, mother of Julian M. CAREY, died there in 1855. That broke up the home. There were six children, Milton B., Victorene, Julian M., Isadore L., Therese A., and Edwin, who died in infancy. The father of these children went to California and the children scattered; only two of them now survive, Therese and the subject. The former is the wife of Thomas NORTON, a native of Kentucky, and they now live in Chicago. Julian M. CAREY was offered a home in Illinois with his father's sister. He lived there about seven years, until the spring of 1862, when he returned to Bloomfield township, this county, and worked on a farm east of Lake Geneva. When the call came for troops to suppress the Rebellion he enlisted on September 2, 1862, in Company C, Twenty-second Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. They were sent to Kentucky on garrison duty where they remained until in February, 1863, then went down the Ohio and up the Cumberland to reinforce Rosecrans. They went from Nashville to Franklin and from there on a reconnoitering expedition. He was taken prisoner March 25, 1863, and sent to Libby prison, and after being kept there about a month, in April he was sent to Parol Camp, Benton Barracks, St. Louis, and there exchanged in June, 1863. He was sent back to Tennessee and did garrison duty at Murfreesboro and around Nashville until April 19, 1864, when he was ordered to join Sherman's army, and on May 2d started on the famous Georgia campaign. There was hard fighting almost continually. The brigade containing the Twenty-second Wisconsin Regiment, under Brigadier-General Coburn, has the distinction of having received the surrender of the city of Atlanta. After the capture of Atlanta they went on with Sherman on his march to the sea, taking Savannah, December 10, 1864, then on through the Carolinas to Goldsboro where they were when Lincoln was assassinated. From there they went to Raleigh in pursuit of Johnson, and from there they went north to Washington, having marched and covered all the distance in that world-famous campaign in thirteen months to a day. Mr. CAREY was eighteen years old when he enlisted and he was just past twenty-one when he was honorably discharged after taking part in the Grand Review in Washington. He was mustered out at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 28, 1865. After the war Mr. CAREY went to Illinois and engaged in the harness business at Chemung, remaining there eighteen months, then gave it up and worked around there until the winter of 1869 and 1870, when he went to Kansas and Missouri. In May, 1870, he joined his father at Georgetown, Eldorado county, California, and worked at gold mining two years. Returning to Chemung, he remained there a year, then came back to Walworth county, locating again in Bloomfield township. In August, 1873, he began clerking in a general store. In March, the following spring, he bought the store from the widow who owned it, buying the stock on credit, giving his personal note. He continued the business successfully and paid off the note in due course of time, and he has been in business ever since, having expended his operations in many lines. About 1884 he bought the mill at Genoa Junction and was in the flour business until 1910 when he sold the mill, but he still carries on the flour and feed business in addition to his general merchandising. On February 14, 1898, the same day the battleship "Maine" was blown up in Havana harbor, he installed an electric light plant for lighting in Genoa Junction, which he ran by water power in connection with the mill. He also built an ice house about 1891 and shipped ice, later selling out to the Knickerbocker Ice Company. He has also been in the coal business ever since coming to Geneva. In September 1909, he bought a farm at the east end of Genoa Junction, part of it extending across into Illinois. Mr. CAREY was married on January 28, 1874, to Adelia BYWATER, at Chemung, McHenry county, Illinois, where she had taught school seven terms. She was born in Cayuga county, New York, and she came to Illinois with her parents when young. Her father had enlisted in 1862 as a soldier in the Civil war and was killed at Vicksburg. Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs. CAREY, of whom May died when eighteen months old; Eddie died in infancy; those living are, Grace I., wife of John R. SIBLEY, who is with the Reitz Lumber Company, in Chicago; Myrtle J. married John H. MOORE, who is with the Knickerbocker Ice Company and lives in Chicago, where he has a position of great responsibility. David William is in partnership with Mr. CAREY in the store, and he is unmarried; Blaine, who is also unmarried, is operating the farm for his father; Alice married Arthur MAINE, and he has charge of the canning department for the Borden Condensed Milk Company at Genoa Junction; Sherman is attending the State University at Madison; Bernice L. is at home and is in school; Winifrede, the youngest daughter, is also at home and in school. Mr. CAREY is a Republican and he has served several terms on the school board, also was town clerk. He has taken an active part in county and state politics at various time. Mr. CAREY joined the Lake Geneva lodge of Masons in 1865 and he held his membership there until the lodge was organized at Genoa Junction, when he became a charter member of the latter. In 1879 he built the store building, with the Masonic lodge hall above. He and his wife belong to the Methodist church. Although sixty-eight years old, Mr. CAREY is exceptionally well-preserved and is as vigorous as most men at fifty. He has long been regarded as one of the leading citizens of Genoa Junction and has done much for the good of the town. He is a plain, obliging, hospitable gentleman who stands high in his community. page 498 NATHANIEL HENRY CARSWELL, son of Nathaniel and a daughter of John ARMSTRONG, of Revolutionary service, was born at Hebron, New York, November, 1815; married Harriet Louisa, daughter of Joseph Gillis TAYLOR, and Jane TODD, January 7, 1841; came to Yorkville, Racine county, in 1843; to Spring Prairie in 1853 and in same year to Elkhorn, where he owned a blacksmith shop. Mrs. CARSWELL died March 24, 1868. At her funeral "The Sweet By and By," then but newly composed, was sung publicly for the first time. Mr. CARSWELL was a close friend of Prof. WEBSTER, and, having been himself a singer, he as well as Mr. PIP might have been called the "Harmonious Blacksmith." He died November 11, 1874. Of three sons, one is living: Orland, Nathaniel and Charles. page 498 ACKLEY CARTER was born April 16, 1808. (His grandmother's second husband, Maj. Benjamin ACKLEY, of Castleton, Vermont, was his namesake.) He married Melissa HOUGH; a son, Edwin Buck CARTER, married Sarah Maria, daughter of Jonathan HASTINGS and Almira SLOCUM. Ackley CARTER died April 3, 1893. page 498 ORANGE5 CARTER (Ebenezer4, Thomas3, 2, Rev. Thomas1) was son of Lieut. Ebenezer CARTER and Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel and Rebecca BUELL. He was born December 21, 1774, probably at Warren, Connecticut. He married in 1797 Elizabeth RUMSEY, at St. Albans, Vermont. She was born at Danbury, Connecticut, July 20, 1777; died at Darien, January 11, 1847. He came from Darien, New York, to Darien, Wisconsin, where he died September 9, 1855. Ten of his eleven children, or most of these, came early, already or soon thereafter so intermarried with several pioneer families of Darien as to make the CARTER family record of unusual genealogical interest. These children, born between 1798 and 1818, were: 1. Ann (Mrs. John WILLIAMS, Jr.); 2. Orra (Mrs. Price MATTESON); 3. Daniel married Maria MATTESON; 4. Sabra (Mrs. Zebulon T. LEE); 5. Harriet (Mrs. Leander DODGE); 6. Ackley married Melissa HOUGH; 7. Lucy (Mrs. Asa FOSTER); 8. William Thurston married Adeline M. SEAVER; 9. Orange Walker married twice; 10. Betsey Irena (Mrs. John L. WARD). It is not known that Daniel CARTER came westward. page 498 NATHANIEL HENRY CARSWELL, son of Nathaniel and a daughter of John ARMSTRONG, of Revolutionary service, was born at Hebron, New York, November, 1815; married Harriet Louisa, daughter of Joseph Gillis TAYLOR, and Jane TODD, January 7, 1841; came to Yorkville, Racine county, in 1843; to Spring Prairie in 1853 and in same year to Elkhorn, where he owned a blacksmith shop. Mrs. CARSWELL died March 24, 1868. At her funeral "The Sweet By and By," then but newly composed, was sung publicly for the first time. Mr. CARSWELL was a close friend of Prof. WEBSTER, and, having been himself a singer, he as well as Mr. PIP might have been called the "Harmonious Blacksmith." He died November 11, 1874. Of three sons, one is living: Orland, Nathaniel and Charles. page 497 DAVID WARD CAREY, son of Amos E. CAREY, a soldier of 1812-15, was born in Columbia county, New York, November 26, 1808. He married Jane E. RANN, and in 1844 came to Bloomfield. He was for some years in business at the Junction, and once had for his partner William YOULEN, a bright young man whose record-book, as town clerk in 1850, was kept admirably. Mr. CAREY's abilities were practical rather than showy and were useful to himself and his community. Of his six children, Julian Marcellus was a soldier in active service, and has since served his town in various ways. The father died December 1, 1880. Mrs. CAREY was born at New York, May 17, 1817, and died March 12, 1855. page 498 ACKLEY CARTER was born April 16, 1808. (His grandmother's second husband, Maj. Benjamin ACKLEY, of Castleton, Vermont, was his namesake.) He married Melissa HOUGH; a son, Edwin Buck CARTER, married Sarah Maria, daughter of Jonathan HASTINGS and Almira SLOCUM. Ackley CARTER died April 3, 1893. ORANGE WALKER CARTER, born September 10, 1815, at Darien, New York, and came to this county in 1838. (His father and William T. CARTER, his brother, bought a government land in section 21.) His first wife, Elvira (1815-1880) was daughter of Samuel MATTESON, Jr., and Electa MEAD. His second wife, Harriet (1827-1899), was daughter of James G. TIFFANY and Martha, daughter of Samuel MATTESON, Sr., and was widow of Manuel TAFT. James, son of Orange W. and Elvira, married Nellie, daughter of William HOLLISTER and Sarah M. VAN AERNAM. Lewis, another son, married Bettie C., daughter of David WILLIAMS and Adelia PHELPS. page 499 CHRISTOPHER page FARLEY CHAFIN, son of Samuel and Elizabeth, was born at Weston, Vermont, April 9, 1819; came with his mother and brothers Samuel and Wilder C. CHAFIN to East Troy in 1837; married Parthenia, daughter of Gaylord GRAVES, September 26, 1849. (His brother, Wilder C., had married Amelia GRAVES, January 29, 1845.) Mrs. CHAFIN was born at Fowler, St. Lawrence county, New York, September 23, 1826; died at Sugar Creek May 29, 1908. Mr. CHAFIN died at East Troy August 25, 1893. WILLIAM DENSMORE CHAPIN (John3,Jacob2, John1), son of John CHAPIN and Clarissa PATTERSON, was born at Heath, Massachusetts, April 28, 1814. He came to Bloomfield in 1837, and the next year he with his parents and his brother, Jonathan Patterson CHAPIN, bought land in sections 5, 6, 22, of that town. His father was born March, 1790, and died December 29, 1865; his mother was born in 1794 and died April 23, 1873. He married September 29, 1847, Loretta, daughter of David Walker HYDE and Dorothy CHURCH. She was born in Bennington county, in 1824; came with her parents to Linn in 1846; died August 26, 1894. Mr. CHAPIN served eight times on the county board and in 1856 as assemblyman, having been elected over Dr. Ezra A. MULFORD. He died April 20, 1904. His second wife, Lucinda HOTCHKISS, died November 18, 1905. SILAS BARNUM CHATFIELD, son of Levi CHATFIELD, Jr., was a cousin of that Levi Starr CHATFIELD, who, for a term of office between 1845 and 1851 was state treasurer of New York, and for whom a Minnesota county was named. Silas was born in Connecticut, October 21, 1822; lived as a boy in Chenango and Madison counties; came to Troy from Ohio in 1846; married Mary E. HOLCOMB, December 22, 1849. She died December 31, 1854, leaving two children. In 1857 he married Catharine L. G., daughter of Jacob KLING and Dorothy GASPER. There were seven children of this marriage. He died February 8, 1908. Mrs. CHATFIELD was for nearly thirty years a contributor of "items" to the newspaper at Elkhorn, relating to the families within the Adams post office delivery. page 499-500 AUGUSTUS JACKMAN CHENEY, son of Moody CHENEY and Susan Burbank, daughter of Paul JACKMAN, was born at Byfield, Massachusetts, March 1, 1837; was graduated from Dartmouth College in 1857; came to Racine in 1858 and the next year to Delavan as principal of the high school. In 1862 he was chosen county superintendent of schools - the first to hold that office, for Walworth county, and was re-elected in 1864. In May, 1864, he raised a company of which he was captain - Company F, Fortieth Infantry, for one hundred days' service. On his return he raised Company K, Forty-ninth Infantry, for one year's service, and was successively captain and major. While in this later service he was detailed for various duties requiring technical knowledge and sound judgment. These military services took him away from his duties as a school officer, and his second term was served by Osmore R. SMITH. He was among the earlier members of the State Teachers' Association, and one of the most intelligent and active among them. He was western manager for various school-book publishers, among them G. & C. Merriam. He made his home, several years ago, at Oak Park, Illinois, but his business was largely in Wisconsin, and there were few great soldier-meetings in this county or state that he failed to attend. To the end of his life he seemed to his old friends of the sixties as still one of the "Old Walworth"; while between him and such of his pupils as had obeyed him as captain the bond was two-fold and not to be broken. He died at Oak Park, February 27, 1907. He had married at Racine, August 5, 1862, Sybil Ann, daughter of Duncan SINCLAIR and Lucretia ASHLEY, who, with an adopted son, lives (1911) at Oak Park. Major CHENEY's ancestors were John1, Peter2, John3, Edmund4, Moses5, Jonathan6, Mark7, Moody8. Rufus Ellis CHENEY, of Whitewater, had only the first of these ancestors, and thus was the major's fourth-cousin twice removed. EBENEZER CHESEBRO, son of Christopher6 (Elisha5, 4, 3, Samuel2, William1) and Abigail WILLIAMS, was born June 27, 1784, at Stonington, Connecticut; married Anna GRISWOLD; moved to Berne, Albany county; came early to Darien, with Christopher Columbus and Jabez Brooks CHESEBRO, his sons, where they bought land in sections 1, 11, 14, 15, 19. One of his children, Ariadne P., was born or became deaf. This misfortune gave him a quickened interest in mute-instruction, and for a few years his house became a schoolhouse for her and a few others like afflicted. As if for him it was a logical conclusion from his first step he moved effectively about the county and at Madison to secure a state school for the deaf at Delavan. Another daughter, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Nelson LEE), made her name memorable by her service in federal military hospitals. He died February 10, 1867. Mrs. CHESEBRO was born May 15, 1784; died September 18, 1866. Their children were Eliza Ann (Mrs. John MARTIN), Jabez Brooks (married Mary SIMPSON); Edwin L. married sisters, Jane and Clara NESSLE; William D. (married Mary Jane CHASE); Mary Elizabeth; Christopher Columbus (married Maria JOHNSON), Wickham Ebenezer (married Almira J. and Charlotte E. WHISTON); Washington (married Caroline A. HASTINGS); Aaron (married Lydia GARDINER); Abigail Isabella; Samuel (married Adelia IVES); Ariadne P., born 1829 and died April 26, 1858. page 501 CYRUS CHURCH, grandson of Uriah and son of Elijah CHURCH and Violet HOLCOMB, was born in New Haven county, July 27, 1817; came with parents in 1821 to Broome county, and in 1833 to Ohio; thence in 1838 to Walworth, where he built a frame house, the second in that town. He was among the foremost in organizing and developing schools, and had a good citizen's interest in all town and county affairs. He married Emeline RUSSELL, December 17, 1843; she died June 25, 1854, leaving five children. He married, second, Mary, daughter of John BOORMAN (born at Maidstone, England, June 5, 1828); had three children. He died January 7, 1899. ALVIN DEXTER CLAPP, was son of James CLAPP and Orilla, daughter of Nathaniel FIELD4 (Zebulon3, Richard2, John1, of Providence) and wife Sarah LEONARD. Mr. CLAPP was born in 1814 at Taunton, Massachusetts; in 1840 married Martha Dinsmore VILES, daughter of Joseph VILES and Eleanor HEALD; came to section 9, Geneva, in 1847; died August 28, 1898. Mrs. CLAPP was born in Maine in 1819; died November 18, 1896. Eli (1843-1863), their only son, a promising young man, died in military service at Helena, Arkansas. Of their two daughters, Orilla is Mrs. Samuel DECATUR, and Mareda is Mrs. Edward M. WAFFLE, of Elkhorn. page 500-501 JAMES CHILD was son of William CHILD and Susan DEAKE. His colonial ancestors were Ephraim1, Benjamin2, Ephraim3, 4, Increase5, Salmon6, and wife Olive Rose. Hon. Salmon CHILD was a soldier of the Revolution, who was born at Woodstock, Connecticut, September 19, 1765, died January 28, 1856. William CHILD was born January 4, 1798; died April 24, 1865; Susan was born December 26, 1796; died April 17, 1865. James CHILD was born August 23, 1823, at Greenfield, Saratoga county; died near East Troy, November 24, 1901. He, with his parents and grandfather are buried at Hickory Grove, Spring Prairie. This family came to section 1 of Lafayette in 1847, from Gorham, New York. September 15th of that year James married Esther, daughter of Melzer DINSMORE. She was born March 4, 1827, and now lives at East Troy. In 1860 Mr. CHILD was a member of Assembly, chosen over Gregory BENTLEY. From 1877 he served twelve years as county surveyor, but derived small revenue from that office. He was well taught in geometry and trigonometry, and was skillful in the use of his professional instruments. Mr. and Mrs. CHILD were for long members of the Baptist church at East Troy. Outside of the church James CHILD was evenly just and kind, and was a man with whom to talk on matters in general was not a waste of his hearer's time. Of eleven children four are living, one of who is of his father's profession. page 501-502 DR. HENRY CLARK was born in the state of New York, July 10, 1793. He came in 1839 to section 16 of Walworth - quite opportunely, since he had there and then but one professional competitor. At the three sessions of the last territorial council, 1847-8, he served as member for the county. His wife was Lorinda COON and their children were twelve, a patriarchal number. Dr. CLARK died April 16, 1853. Mrs. CLARK was born March 16, 1814; died March 5, 1896. page 502 DR. JOSEPH A. CLARKE was born at Stowe, Lamoille county, Vermont, September 23, 1813; came with his parents in 1831 to Townshend, Ohio; studied medicine at Bellevue, Huron county, Ohio; married Mary Jane STEDMAN in 1840 and came to Whitewater. In 1845 became a partner of Dr. Willard RICE. He died in 1873. He was the "beloved physician" of early Whitewater. page 688-690 HARRY ELMER COCROFT. The gentleman to whom the reader's attention is now directed was not favored by inherited wealth or the assistance of influential friends, but in spite of these, by perseverance, industry and a wise economy, he has attained a comfortable station in life, and is well and favorably known throughout Walworth county as a result of the industrious life he has lived here for many years, being regarded by all who know him as a man of sound business principles, thoroughly up-to-date in all phases of agriculture and stock raising and as a man who, while advancing his individual interests, does not neglect his general duties as a citizen. Harry Elmer COCROFT was born in Rochester, Racine county, Wisconsin, on March 7, 1867, the son of Joseph E. and Ann (WOODHEAD) COCROFT, an excellent old family, long influential in the affairs of southeastern Wisconsin, a complete sketch of whom will be found on another page of this work. Harry E. COCROFT, the present efficient superintendent of the famous Ceylon Court farm near the city of Lake Geneva, has devoted his life to agricultural pursuits with marked success, having received excellent training on the home farm, where he grew to manhood, assisting with the general work during the crop seasons, and in the winter time he attended the neighboring schools. When twenty-one years old he left home and went to North Dakota where he spent two years in charge of a big farm. He then accepted a position with the American Express Company at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, and was with this company until 1901, becoming one of their most faithful and trusted employees. In that year J. J. MITCHELL, well known Chicago capitalist and horse man, began developing Ceylon Court farm near the shores of Lake Geneva, and Mr. COCROFT was employed by him. After three months in a subordinate position, he was put in charge of the farm and directed the improvements, also bought all the live stock for the place, Mr. MITCHELL having trusted everything almost entirely to his judgment. He has also had the hiring of the men who work on the farm, and has a large force under his direction. He drew up the plan and specifications for the buildings (described elsewhere), which are regarded by all who see them as models of their kind, and they were built under his supervision. And he is still working on plans for future improvements. Although Mr. COCROFT was compelled to leave school when only eleven years old and take up the work of a man, which he has continued ever since, he has found time to do a great deal of home study and is therefore a self-educated man in the most liberal terms, being familiar with various branches of literature, science and art, familiarizing himself especially with all phases of agricultural, horticultural, stock raining, landscape gardening, and architecture, and after his daily work he has often studied late into the night - in fact, has ever been a profound student. Mr. COCROFT was married in 1891 to Catherine MOON, of Lake Geneva, the daughter of William and Margaret (FOSTER) MOON, a highly respected family of this community. To the subject and wife two sons and one daughter were born, namely: Lloyd Everett, Glen Earl and Marguerite. The wife and mother passed to her rest in 1901, and in 1904 Mr. COCROFT was united in marriage with Clara GRINIGER, of Lake Geneva, daughter of John and Mary (GIESIE) GRINIGER, an excellent German family, the parents both natives of the empire, having emigrated to Lake Geneva in early life, first living, however, near Vienna, Wisconsin, where their daughter, Clara, was born. Mr. COCROFT is a quiet, practical man, obliging and thoroughly enamored of his work, consequently does it exceptionally well and he can claim a wide circle of friends throughout this locality. page 502
EDWIN DELOS COE (Orris K.7, Seth6, Ephraim5, 4, John3, Robert 2, 1) was son of Orris Kirtland COE and Paulina Stevens, daughter of Thomas BUSHNELL and Nancy BLOOD. He was born at Ixonia, Jefferson county, Wisconsin, June 11, 1840; married Emma ELLSWORTH, daughter of Joseph SPAULDING, of Janesville, September 26, 1865; had five children, of whom Joseph Spaulding COE died in 1896, in his twenty-third year. Mr. COE was educated at the Universities at Beaver Dam and Madison; enlisted and served two years in Company A, First Wisconsin Cavalry; studied law at Watertown and practiced at Janesville; gained newspaper experience at Watertown and Beloit; bought the Register at Whitewater in 1871; was elected to the Assembly in 1878 over Daniel K. SANFORD, and to that of 1879 over George H. SMITH; was chief clerk of the Assembly of 1882; defeated in 1890 for secretary of state; was postmaster at Whitewater 1889-1895; chairman of the Republican state central committee in 1896; and was United States pension agent at Milwaukee under Presidents McKinley and Roosevelt - eight or more years. The congressional district convention of 1886 was held at Elkhorn. The leading candidates were Lucien B. CASWELL, with Jefferson and Rock at his back, and Henry A. COOPER, obstinately supported by Racine and Kenosha. Nobody could win without Walworth, and her delegates offered successively Newton M. LITTLEJOHN, Thompson D. WEEKS, and Edwin D. COE. The choice at last fell again upon CASWELL. Mr. COE died May 5, 1909. page 503 JOSEPH COLLIE, son of George COLLIE and Mary ROSS, was born in Aberdeenshire, November 14, 1825. He was left fatherless in his boyhood, and in 1836 his mother came with her children to the neighborhood of Aurora, and a few years later to Platteville, Wisconsin. He seemed a predestined student and teacher, and he continued his education from the common school to an academic course at Mineral Point, and thence to Beloit College, where he was graduated about 1851. He had worked his way to this end as many an American boy has done, and this under somewhat unusual difficulty, that of congenital lameness. In 1854 he was graduated from Andover, and in 1855 was ordained and installed in the Congregational church at Delavan, and continued in its pastorate through his active life. He married November 4, 1856, Ann Eliza, daughter of Rev. Lucius FOOTE. He died July 8, 1904. For many years he owned a bit of land at the entrance of Williams Bay, on the north shore of Geneva Lake, with a landing place for steamers - likely to be known long hence as heretofore to local geographers as Camp Collie. NICHOLAS SPENCER COMSTOCK, son of Aaron (1769-1843) and wife Patience, daughter of Nicholas SPENCER, was born at West Greenwich, Rhode Island, November 5, 1802; married, first, Mavilla EVANS; second Catharine MULKS (1822-1879). He came to Darien in 1837 and bought government land in sections 7, 9. In 1845 he, with Salmon THOMAS, were chosen town assessors. He died at Darien, October 3, 1860. page 502 ORRIN HATCH COE, a third cousin of Edwin D. COE, was thus descended: Robert1, 2, John3, Ephraim4, Aaron5, Ithamar6, Martin O.7 His parents were Martin Oliver COE (1786-1861) and Clara (1790-1863), daughter of Timothy HATCH and Abigail PORTER, and a sister of Mrs. Sophia S. NOYES. Orrin H. COE was born August 8, 1816, and married Louisa NOWLAND. He came to Chicago in 1836 and thence to Geneva with his mother's sister's son, Charles A. NOYES, and had some part with him in the negotiations for a share in the mill-site. page 675-676 SEYMOUR AMOS COOK. One of the most active, thoroughgoing and enterprising farmers of Lagrange township, Walworth county, is Seymour Amos COOK, who has been contented to spend his life in his native community, wisely deciding that no better opportunities could be found for the young man of energy and determination, and he has met with success as a farmer here. Mr. COOK was born in Whitewater township, this county, on August 21, 1860. He is the son of Alvin Wesley COOK and Lucinda (STAFFORD) COOK, both natives of New York, he born in Jefferson county and she in Allegany county. Alvin W. COOK came to Lagrange township, Walworth county, Wisconsin, in 1845, and in 1846 Lucinda STAFFORD came and here they were married. Eight children were born to them, three of whom are living. Mr. COOK spent his life on a farm here, owning one hundred and thirty acres. Politically he was a Republican and he was assessor for twenty-seven years in succession, and later he was again incumbent of this office for three years. He was well known and influential in his community. He and his wife were members of the Methodist church. Seymour A. COOK was reared on the home farm where he began working when quite small, and he attended the rural schools in his district. About twelve years of his life have been spent engaged in merchandising, at which he was successful, but for some time he has followed farming, in which he is still engaged, owning fifty-seven acres. He makes a specialty of breeding Chester-White hogs, for which he finds a very ready market. In political matters, Mr. COOK is a Republican and he has been more or less active in local affairs. He was township clerk for about ten years, and he is now serving his fourth year as chairman of the town board. As a public servant he has been most faithful and given the utmost satisfaction. Mr. COOK was married in 1885 to Vira HOLDEN, who was born in Lagrange township, Walworth county, the daughter of Nathaniel HOLDEN, an early settler of Lagrange township, now deceased. To Mr. and Mrs. COOK one daughter and one son have been born. Raymond, died, aged eleven months. Edith L. is now the wife of George T. PACKARD, of Whitewater. page 504 HARLOW MERRILL COON did not suppose himself related to David. He was son of Ezra COON and Cyrena (or Serena) BURDICK, and was born in Otsego county February 14, 1819. He came in 1843 to section 25, Walworth. For some years he was in retail business at the village and then returned to farm management. He died April 13, 1899. His wife, Harriet E. CRUMB, was born March 3, 1823; died November 10, 1884. Children: Phoebe S. (once a teacher at the seminary), Eva H., Harlow Irving. page 503-504 DAVID COON was born in Rhode Island, March 16, 1785; lived in Madison and Jefferson counties, New York; in 1852 followed his sons to the town of Walworth; died June 9, 1838. Mary BENTLEY, his wife, was born June 5, 1787; died September 25, 1870. Not enough has been gathered as yet from family records to determine all of the children or next nearer kindred. Gardner COON (1808-1879) and wife Damaris (1808-1883) had children, William, Henry, Charlotte, Alzine. David COON, Jr., (1810-1886) married Hannah M. (1818-1889), daughter of Stephen CLARK and Judith MAXON; their children were Louisa and Lucy. Elisha Bentley COON (1817-1901) and wife Louisa had daughters Catharine and Caroline. He had been a teacher in his wander-years, and among his pupils had been John Griffin CARLISLE, of Kentucky. Charles Douse COON (born 1825) and wife Cynthia N. CRANDALL (born 1826) had children Charles, Mary, William. Some of these names and dates may be incomplete and inexact. They are shown by the census of 1860, which also shows, in the same town, Dr. Nathan COON (aged thirty-eight), wife Penna (aged thirty-seven), daughter Josephine (aged fourteen). Also, Orrin COON (aged forty-eight), wife Mary (aged forty-seven), daughters Catharine (aged nineteen), Harriet (aged fifteen. George COON (aged twenty) lived with William CLARK. Besides these, Marshall COON (1856-1908) married, first, Lucy CAMPBELL; second, Luella CRANDALL. He left two sons. page 504 HARLOW MERRILL COON did not suppose himself related to David. He was son of Ezra COON and Cyrena (or Serena) BURDICK, and was born in Otsego county February 14, 1819. He came in 1843 to section 25, Walworth. For some years he was in retail business at the village and then returned to farm management. He died April 13, 1899. His wife, Harriet E. CRUMB, was born March 3, 1823; died November 10, 1884. Children: Phoebe S. (once a teacher at the seminary), Eva H., Harlow Irving. page 504-505 DYAR LAMONTTE COWDERY was descended from William1, Nathaniel2, Samuel3, Nathaniel4, William5, 6, Lyman7. The last-named, son of William and wife Rebecca FULLER, was born in 1802 and died in 1881. He married in 1825 Eliza, daughter of Robert ALEXANDER and Catharine CAMPBELL. He was admitted to law practice, served a term as county clerk, and a few months as county judge. The children were Helen Mar (Mrs. Darius COMAN), Sophia Amanda (Mrs. Francis A. UTTER), Dyar L., Lyman Emmet. Mrs. COWDERY was learned in all household wisdom and well experienced in ways of neighborly goodness; wherefore the Judge was used to say that Dyar was his mother's boy, and in this he judged mother and son truly and kindly. She was born in 1805 and died in 1879. Dyar was born at Arcadia, New York, January 5, 1833. The family came in 1846 from Kirtland, Ohio to Elkhorn. The common school, the printing office, and a few years in California filled his time until l859. He worked at the Independent office as foreman and at times as editor-substitute from that year till 1875, when he followed Mr. DEWING as county clerk and served until his death, May 10, 1900. He had married at Richmond, Illinois, Lydia Malvina, daughter of Sylvanus ALDRICH and Lydia CRANDALL, November 24, 1864. Of their two children Edith Aldrich died in bright young womanhood, and Kirke Lionel is a professor of the French language and literature at Oberlin. The county clerk's records show the minutely nice habits of mind and hand which had made Mr. COWDERY a skillful and tasteful printer. His thorough knowledge of the county's business made him for long an invaluable county-seat correspondent of the Whitewater Register, of whom Mr. COE often spoke with his characteristically generous judgment. Judge COWDERY's brother, Dr. Warren A. COWDERY, married Patience SIMONDS, of Pawlet, Vermont. Of their children Martius Dyar COWDERY, long a resident of the town of Geneva, was born at LeRoy, New York, October 29, 1819; married, first, Caroline B. CRAIG; second, Vesta L. LAWRENCE. He died April 26, 1898 Oliver COWDERY, one of the prophet Joseph SMITH's "witnesses," was another son of William COWDERY. After the prophet's death he left the stricken church, and a few years later died also. page 506 PROSPER CRAVATH, eldest son, and one of sixteen children of Deacon Prosper CRAVATH and Miriam KINNEY, was born at Cortlandville, New York, May 28, 1809; began study of law in 1829; married Maria Prudence, daughter of Solomon NOBLE, March 27, 1834. He came in 1839 from Lime Ridge, Huron county, Ohio, to the north half of section 13, Lima - about three miles from the site of Whitewater. The earliest settlers did not bound all their affairs strictly by county and town lives. Thus it mayhave been that Mr. CRAVATH appeared at Squire MEAD's court in June, 1839, as counsel in the cause of William BIRGE vs. Willard B. JOHNSON, an account for labor and goods and against it an account in offset; Warner EARLE for plaintiff, CRAVATH for defendant. EARLE was out-generaled and lost. Thus began legal contention at Whitewater. In 1843 Mr. CRAVATH was admitted to practice in courts of Jefferson county, and in 1845 removed to Whitewater. He served town and village variously as clerk, supervisor, justice, and the village as postmaster. He was member of Assembly for the first session, June 1848. He was defeated for county judge in 1848 and for district attorney in 1850. He died May 20, 1886. Mrs. CRAVATH, born at Blandford, Hampden county, Massachusetts, August 20, 1813, died at Whitewater, February 11, 1890. Early Whitewater was in many neighborly ways indebted to this grand old couple, and these obligations are still willingly admitted. To Mr. CRAVATH more than to any of his neighbors the county, town, and city owe the gathering and preservation of most of the names, dates and facts relating to the settlement and development of the old town of Elkhorn. As not seldom happens, the historian has told much less of himself than posterity would read with interest and pleasure. He need not have told all, nor was there need to suppress anything. page 505 PITT NOBLE CRAVATH, only son of Prosper CRAVATH and Maria P. NOBLE, was born in town of Lima, Rock county, August 1, 1844; his parents moved the next year to Whitewater; he was graduated from the State University in '63; served as private of Company D, Fortieth Wisconsin Infantry, in '64; was graduated from Albany law school in '65; married Marcia DOWD at Waukesha, October 20, 1867; went to Louisiana in 1868 and served two years as assistant secretary of state. Returning, after a short stay at Milwaukee, he went to Algona, Kossuth county, Iowa, where for five years he practiced law and editorship. In 1879 he was again at Whitewater, and at once began to publish the Puddingstick - shortly renamed Chronicle. At first it was an organ of loosely bound opposition to political and local policies supported by the Register. In 1884 he supported Cleveland - and, about this time, had Samuel BISHOP as a law partner. He sold his paper a little later, and gave his time to law practice and to his duty as city surveyor. His wife, who had been to him in some ways more than wives commonly are to husbands, died October 20, 1898. He died November 28, 1898. Mr. STEELE says of him: "Kind and genial in all his ways, he filled a peculiar niche in the affections of all who knew him." page 676-677 WALTER CURTIS. Among the earnest and enterprising men whose depth of character has gained him a prominent place in the community and the respect and confidence of his fellow citizens, is Walter CURTIS, farmer and stock raiser of Geneva township. A man of decided views and laudable ambitions, his influence has ever made for the advancement of his kind and in the vocation to which his energies have been given through a long lapse of successful years he ranks among the representative farmers of the community. Mr. CURTIS was born December 16, 1854, in Lake Geneva, then a mere village. He is the son of Lewis CURTIS and wife, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this work. The subject grew to manhood in his native town and attended the seminary there. When only seven or eight years old he assisted his father in the postoffice, the elder CURTIS having been the first postmaster at this place under Republican administration, retaining the office eleven years, the commission having been signed by Lincoln, the subject remembering when it was received. As the boy grew older he also assisted his father in his store and on his farm. Lewis CURTIS kept a drug store, also handled farming implements. He had bought land when he first came to Lake Geneva. Walter CURTIS gave his entire attention to farming after reaching manhood. He was married on March 15, 1883, to Carline Esther FOOTE, of Crawfordsville, Indiana, a daughter of Lucien Andrew FOOTE and Susan Greer (SUNDERLAND) FOOTE, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this volume. She was born at Clayton, Indiana, but lived at Rockville until she was twelve years old, then accompanied the family to Crawfordsville, where her father had a book store, and afterwards for about eighteen years was deputy county clerk of that county, holding the office under both the Republicans and Democrats, because of his efficiency. He was a gallant soldier in the Civil war. (See his sketch in another part of this work.) After his marriage Walter CURTIS and his wife took up their abode on one of the CURTIS farms along the north shore of Lake Geneva and here they established a comfortable home, and he has been very successful as a general farmer. Mr. CURTIS is a Prohibitionist and takes an active interest in promoting the principles of his party. Six children have been born to Walter Curtis and wife, five of whom are living, namely: Florence Belle married John BROOKS and they live on land belonging to Mr. BROOKS, near the city of Lake Geneva; they have three children, Elizabeth May, Elliott Lucien and Caroline Emogene. Lucien Humphrey CURTIS married Agda BRANDT and lives on the CURTIS farm. Junia Foote Sunderland CURTIS died when seven and one-half years old. Constance Elizabeth is teaching in the public schools. Lewis William is on the farm with his father. Walter Hiram is at home and attending school. Mr. CURTIS and family belong to the Congregational church. They stand high in the community in all circles. [Transcriber's note: The word sketch above refers to a biography, not a picture.] page 681-682 FRANK CUSACK. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch has long enjoyed prestige as a leading citizen in the community in which he resides, and as an official against whose record no word of suspicion was ever uttered. For many years Mr. CUSACK has been an important factor in the history of Walworth county. His prominence in the community is the legitimate result of genuine merit and ability, and in every relation of life, whether in the humble sphere of private citizenship or as a trusted official with many responsibilities resting upon him, his many excellencies of character and the able and impartial manner in which he has discharged his every duty have won for him an envied reputation as an enterprising and representative self-made man. In Mr. CUSACK's veins flows the blood of a long line of sterling Irish ancestors, in fact, he himself is only of the second generation of this great people in the United States. Frank CUSACK grew to manhood on the homestead here and he assisted with the general work about the place when of proper age. He received his education in the public schools of Darien. Early in life he turned his attention to farming for livelihood and has been very successful as a general farmer and stock raiser, being now the owner of one of the choice farms in section 22, Darien township, consisting of one hundred and sixty acres, which he has placed under excellent modern improvements and on which he has a pleasant home and a good set of outbuildings. In connection with general farming he is making a specialty of dairying, for which he is well equipped in every way, and has a good grade of cows. Mr. CUSACK was married on February 3, 1902, to Elizabeth FLYNN, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth (STEWART) FLYNN, a highly respected family of Darien township, this county, where they have become very well established through their enterprise and honorable dealings. Frank CUSACK, farmer of Darien township, Walworth county, was born on February 14, 1872, in this township, and he has been content to spend his life right here at home. It would have been hard for him to have found a better place. He is the son of Patrick and Ellen (SULLIVAN) CUSACK, both natives of Ireland, where they spent their earlier year and went to school and from there they emigrated to Canada in 1851 and engaged in farming until 1857, in which year they moved to Darien township, Walworth county, Wisconsin, and there he worked out as a farm hand until 1870, in which year his father purchased a good farm in Darien township, which he improved and on which he spent the balance of his life, dying in November 1906, and there, on the old homestead, which he left in excellent condition, his widow still resides. Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick CUSACK, named as follows: Mary, now Mrs. MORAN; John; Nellie is deceased; M. E., James, Julia; Frank, of this sketch; Agnes is deceased. To Mr. and Mrs. CUSACK two children have been born, namely: Elizabeth, born February 7, 1903; and Loretta, born July 13, 1905. Politically, Mr. CUSACK is a loyal Republican and more or less active in local party affairs. He was assessor of his township for a period of eight years, filling this office in a manner that own the hearty approval of all concerned. He is at present treasurer of the Darien high school. He is a member of the Equitable Fraternal Union, an insurance order, and the Modern Woodmen and the Knights of Columbus. Religiously, he is a faithful member of the Catholic church. |
Copyright 2013 Walworth County Genealogical Society